Monday, April 8, 2019

Conversation About Discussing The Importance Of Education

Conversation About Discussing The Importance Of Education

Friend A: Hey buddy, how are you?

Friend B: I am good; thanks; and you?

Friend A: I am good too. Thanks.

Friend: B I had been looking for you; I wanted your opinion in a personal matter.

Friend A: Sure! How may I help you?

Friend B: As you already know I don’t like studying much. I want to stop my education after +2 and join my father’s business. Is this decision alright?

Friend A: I know your interest; but as your well-wisher, I would advise you to continue your studies. Later on after some years, you are going to regret.  

Friend B: You know my father’s business is so much prosperous. He needs me at the office.  

Friend A: That’s alright! You may start giving him some hours after the school and then after college. Because later on you are going to feel the need of education.

Friend B: How? Would you please explain in detail?

Friend A: Education refines our personality. You will miss that refinement. At the time of wedding, people will find it a disagreeable aspect in you. When you become father, reputed schools will feel hesitant giving your child admission in their school. And later on your own children won’t respect you much for low education.  

Friend B: I got your point. I will continue my education at any cost. Thanks for your valuable guidance.

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