Sunday, March 31, 2019

My weekend story

assalamualaikum wr.wb this time I will share my activities on holidays.

 Starting from stories and hobbies

 Sunday is a holiday and a relaxing time for students on campus. Early in the morning I wake up, after waking up I immediately get ready to carry out the morning prayer in congregation at the nearest mosque. , don't forget after the morning prayer I read the Qur'an. Finally the sun rises, I do the cleaning of the bedroom and its surroundings. After cleaning the room, and after that I cleaned the body (showering). After breakfast I usually read books and make poems while listening to music, it has become my habit to enjoy leisure time on holidays. Leisurely reading a book does not feel the day has come in at noon, where the hours are approaching the afternoon prayer time, when the time for the call to prayer reverberates at 12 noon, I prepare for prayer. Activities after Zuhr prayer and usually I do assignments such as papers and other assignments. When the sunset has arrived, and do Maghrib prayers and read the Koran. After that, we continued to have dinner, then prayed Isha after the evening prayer, I prepared to rest (sleep).  is my short story on that week's holiday.

so many of my stories, wassallamu'alaikum wr wbrkth

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